The New Network Technology
for Automotive Applications
SerDes Technology
SerDes Products
Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) and infotainment have become an essential technology as Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is becoming a reality.
The high-speed serial links are critical to support these applications.
VSI is taking the lead in developing serial links, a.k.a. SerDes products.
SerDes Features
High-Speed data transmitting: up to 16Gbps
VSI's SerDes products support a High-Speed data rate from 8Gbps to 16Gbps and offer easy scalability (future-proof).
Support 4K/8K Video, Camera transmission for Automotive Applications.
The pioneer of the High-Speed SerDes Chip, supporting Global Automotive Standard (ASA 'Motion Link')
ASA(Automotive SerDes Alliance) is a non-profit industry alliance of automotive technology providers to standardize automotive SerDes.
ASA standard was published in 2020 and is highly supported by leading OEMs as the global standard.
Robust Control & Reliable Safety for the Next Generation Mobility
(Electric Vehicle, Autonomous Car)
VSI's SerDes products have built-in real-time error correction capability (Forward error correction) without retransmitting erroneous data supporting. It features an accurate data link (Low-latency), and VSI's SerDes products can pinpoint the line fault at a resolution of 1/2 inch.
Energy efficiency & affordable cost for Next Automotive Industry
OEMs and Tiers can reduce the wire harness volume through high-speed VSI's SerDes products. According to less wire harness, It is possible to achieve low-power consumption, cost-saving, and space-maximization.
Ethernet Technology
The simplified network, Ethernet Products
Automotive manufacturers are adding more and more computer-based systems, applications, and connections, driving up bandwidth requirements.
As a result, wiring harness to support these functions.
VSI's Ethernet products will help manufactures wiring cost, weight, and fuel efficiency.